Lectures & Notes

  1. Introductory lecture on why study Electromagnetism — 30 Jul — slides

Transmission lines

  • Waves on a transmission line, concept of transit time, and how it leads to distributed elements. Sec 2.1,2.2 of RKS — 31 Jul


We consider an AC source connected to a transmission line, such as a coaxial cable. The voltage wave travels the length of the TL at a finite speed. Due to this finite speed, the voltage at different points of the line can be different. In fact, the voltage some length away from a reference point is merely the time delayed version of the reference voltage. This time delay is also called the transit time, equal to length divided by the propagation velocity, \(t_r = L/v\), where \(v = \lambda f\) and L is the length of line. Thus if the voltage a point A is \(v_A(t) = \cos(wt)\), then at point B it is \(v_B(t) = \cos(w(t-t_r))\), and thus there is a phase difference between the two voltages = \(w t_r = 2 \pi f L / (\lambda f) = 2 \pi L/\lambda\). Thus, if lambda is very large (i.e. low frequency) then there is no significant phase difference and \(v_A(t) \approx v_B(t)\). In this scenario, we don’t need to worry about the transit time effect very much as the voltage would not significantly depend on position on the line. On the other hand, if lambda is small (i.e. high frequency) then traversing the length of the line will give significant phase difference and thus different voltages. When we see a voltage difference between two points on the line, we are expecting to see some circuit element between those points, such as R/L/C elements. However, in the high frequency case, we see that without any explicit lumped ckt elements connected between A and B, we still had a voltage difference. This suggests the presence of some kind of ckt elements, just not lumped. Since the voltage difference seems to depend on the length AB, we say that the ckt element is distributed along the length, rather than lumped in one place. Thus, to understand wave propagation along a TL we need to move to a picture of impedance being distributed along length, rather than being lumped.

  • Circuit representation of a transmission line (R/L/G/C), Telegraphers equations for TL and the solution. Sec 2.3 of RKS — 01 Aug


Having established that the impedances on a TL can be viewed as distributed, we seek to build a ckt picture of a TL. Since any current carrying wire generates a magnetic field (therefore can be modelled as an inductor), and a pair of conductors will have an electric field between them (therefore can be modelled as a capacitor), the simplest ckt model of a section \(\Delta x\) of a TL is of an inductor L/m in series and a capacitor C/m in parallel. To make this picture more realistic in terms of losses, we add a resistor (value = R) in series with the L, and a resistor in parallel with the capacitor (value = 1/G). Then we write out the KCL and KVL equations for this simple ckt and on taking the limit \(\Delta x \to 0\), we get a pair of coupled differential equations linking voltage V and current I, called the Telegrapher’s equations. They are uncoupled by taking another derivative, which leads to \(d^2 v/dx^2 = (R+jwL)(G+jwC)v = \gamma^2 v\), similarly for I. This eqn has two solutions, \(\exp(\gamma x)\) and \(\exp(-\gamma x)\), so a general solution can be written as a linear combination of the two, as \(v(x) = v^+ \exp(-\gamma x) + v^- \exp(\gamma x)\), where \(v^+\) and \(v^-\) are arbitrary constants.

  • Obtaining voltage and current relations on the TL by solving the Telegraphers equations, characteristic impedance, notes on phasors. Sec 2.3 of RKS — 02 Aug


We solved the Telegraphers equations to express the voltage and currents on the TL. The propagation constant \(\gamma\) is expressed as \(\alpha + j \beta\) where \(\alpha,\beta\) are the attenuation and phase constants, respectively. We use the phasor approach to transform the volage and current expressions into the time domain and write the wave expressions in terms of forward (form: \(\cos(wt-\beta x)\)) and backward (form: \(\cos(wt+\beta x)\)) travelling waves. It is found that the ratio of the forward travelling wave’s voltage and current is constant; this constant is called the characteristic impedance of the TL, \(Z_0\). The corresponding ratio for the backward travelling wave is \(-Z_0\).

  • Reflection coefficients and transformation from source to load end. Sec 2.4 of RKS — 06 Aug


We start by writing the equations for the voltage and current phasors on the TL as a function of \(x\), noting both forward and backward travelling waves. We introduce a reflection coefficient, which is the ratio of the backward wave phasor to the forward wave phasor as \( \Gamma (x) = \frac{v^- \exp(\gamma x)}{v^+ \exp(-\gamma x)}\). Using this, we can write the wave impedance, \(Z(x)\), at any point on the TL in terms of \(v^+ , \Gamma (x)\), as \( Z(x) = \frac{ v(x) }{i(x)} = Z_0 \frac{ 1 + \Gamma(x)}{1 - \Gamma(x)}\). This expression can be turned around to obtain the reflection coefficient as \(\Gamma(x) = \frac{Z(x) - Z_0}{Z(x) + Z_0}\). At the end of a TL, \(x=x_0\), we typically connect a load, for e.g. a lumped element or a circuit. If this element’s impedance, \(Z(x=x_0)=Z_L\) is equal to \(Z_0\), we can see that \(\Gamma(x_0)=0\), i.e. there will be no reflections as this \(\implies v^- =0\). Such a load is called a matched load. Finally, we shift the coordinate system from the source end to the load end by the transformation \(x = x_0 - l\) such that the load appears at \(l=0\). This is done because it makes TL analysis easier and more natural (as we will see in examples ahead). Introducing \(u^+ = v^+ \exp(-\gamma x_0)\) and \(u^- = v^- \exp(\gamma x_0)\) , we can rewrite the previous relations in terms of \(l\) instead of \(x\). Denoting the reflection coefficient for the line as \( \Gamma_L = \Gamma (l=0)\), we get \( \Gamma_L = \frac{Z_L - Z_0}{Z_L + Z_0}\) and \(Z(l) = \frac{ v(l)} { i(l) } = Z_0 \frac{ u^+ \exp(\gamma l) + u^- \exp(-\gamma l) }{ u^+ \exp(\gamma l) - u^- \exp(-\gamma l) } \), which can be rewritten in terms of \(\Gamma_L\) as \( Z(l) = Z_0 \frac{\exp(\gamma l) + \Gamma_L \exp(-\gamma l)}{\exp(\gamma l)- \Gamma_L \exp(-\gamma l)}\).

  • Impedance transformations as a function of length, low-loss and lossless TLs. Sec 2.4 of RKS — 07 Aug


We write the complex impedance formula conveniently in terms of hyperbolic functions as \(Z(l) = Z_0 \frac{Z_L\cosh(\gamma l)+Z_0\sinh(\gamma l)}{Z_0\cosh(\gamma l)+Z_L\sinh(\gamma l)}\). We can see this as an impedance transformation tool that allows us to express the impedance at a point \(l +l_0\) in terms of the impedance at a point \(l_0\). We then consider the case of low-loss TLs, characterized by \(\alpha \ll \beta\), or equivalently, \(R \ll wL\) and \( G \ll wC\), which gives us approximate expressions for \(\alpha,\beta\). In a lossless TL we have \(\alpha=0\) and \(\beta = w \sqrt{LC}\).

  • Analysis of lossless TLs, maximum and minimum voltage/current phasors on the TL, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). Sec 2.5 of RKS — 08 Aug


We consider a lossless TL and write out expressions for the voltage and current phasor magnitudes as \(|v(l)|=|v^+ \exp(j\beta l) (1 + \Gamma_L\exp(-2j\beta l))|\) and \(|i(l)|=|(v^+ \exp(j\beta l)/Z_0(1 - \Gamma_L \exp(-2j\beta l))|\). Clearly, the maximum possible value of \(|v(l)|\) occurs when \(arg(\Gamma_L \exp(-2j\beta l)=2n\pi)\), and the minimum when \(arg(\Gamma_L \exp(-2j\beta l)=2(n+1)\pi)\). These values of \(l\) correspond to the places where the \(|i(l)|\) goes to minimum and maximum, respectively. When plotting these phasor magnitudes, we see that the maximas repeat themselves on the \(l\)-axis at intervals of \(\pi/\beta = \lambda/2\). We introduce a new term, voltage standing wave ratio \(\rho = \frac{|v(l)|_{max}}{|v(l)|_{min}} = \frac{1+|\Gamma_L|}{1-|\Gamma_L|}\) and note that \(1 \leq \rho < \infty\).

  • Lossless transmission lines and some properties of impedance as a function of length, power flow on a TL, how to use a TL to measure an unknown resistance. Sec 2.6 of RKS — 09 Aug


Considering a lossless TL, we observe that the impedance repeats every \(\lambda/2\) on the TL; further, the normalized imepdance inverts every \(\lambda/4\) on the line. Next, we use the language of phasors to write an expression for complex power in any circuit, observing that the power dissipated on the load is its real part, while the imaginary part captures the reactive power. For a lossless TL, it is found that the power dissipated is position independent. We show how a TL can be used to measure an unknown impedance by measuring the VSWR and carrying out a few simple calculations.

  • Quarter wave transformer and single stub matching. Sec 2.13 of RKS, also see — 19 Aug


Considering a lossless TL, we discuss various ways of impedance matching. In the first, we examine a section of \(\lambda/4\) length transmission line connected prior to a resistive load as a way of impedance matching to a given TL. This is called a quarter wave transformer (QWT). In case the load is complex, an additional length before the load helps to transform the load to a purely resistive value and then we use the idea of a QWT. Finally, we discuss single stub matching, where a length of open or short circuited TL of length \(l_s\) is connected in parallel with a load \(Z_L\) at a length \(l_0\) away. The length \(l_0\) is chosen such that the real part of the transformed impedance matches the original \(Z_0\) of the line, and the length \(l_s\) is chosen such that the reactance cancels that coming from the load’s transformation by \(l_0\) (in the parallel combination).

MATLAB resources for transmission lines on YouTube:

  1. An introduction to MATLAB

  2. Calculating characteristic constants of a TL

  3. Visualising waves on a transmission line

  4. Impedance matching, part 1, and part 2

Maxwell’s equations and plane waves

  • Review of vector calculus and Maxwell’s equations. Ch 3 of RKS, also Ch 7,9 of Griffiths, — 20 Aug


We reviewed physical meanings of divergence and curl and a few important results from vector calculus. After that, we recapped Maxwell’s equations.

  • Maxwell’s equations to derive an electromagnetic wave in vacuum. Ch 4 of RKS, also Ch 7,9 of Griffiths. Instructor notes — 21 Aug


Starting with the most general equations of Maxwell, we simplified them for the case of vacuum and showed how \(E,H\) are orthogonal to each other and a function of a single variable.

  • Further derivation of a simple transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave, intrinsic impedance of a medium. Ch 4 of RKS, also Ch 7,9 of Griffiths, — 22 Aug


We furthere developed the wave equations and derived some simple properties of the TEM wave such as the ratio of \(E,H\) and the intrinsic impedance of the medium.

  • Polarization of a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave. Ch 4 of RKS, also Ch 7,9 of Griffiths, and animation. — 26 Aug


We defined polarization of a wave as the locus traced by the tip of the e-field vector. We looked at three different types of polarization; linear, circular, and elliptal and visualized them in space via an animation.

  • Propagation of a transverse electromagnetic wave in a conducting medium. Ch 4 of RKS, also Ch 7,9 of Griffiths. — 27 Aug


We explore wave propagation in a conducting medium and found that the wave equaiton looks exactly like that of free space, except that by using Ohm’s law, the permittivity got transformed from \(\epsilon\) to \(\epsilon_c = \epsilon - j \frac{\sigma}{\omega}\). This leads to an attenuation of the wave as it travels in the medium and the \(E,H\) phasors being out of phase.

  • Propagation of a transverse electromagnetic wave in a conducting medium. Ch 4 of RKS, also Ch 7,9 of Griffiths. — 02 Sep


We developed some approximation expressions of \(\alpha,\beta\) for the cases of low loss dielectrics as well as good conductors, discussed the working of a microwave oven, and worked out a problem of probing through ice.

  • Propagation of a transverse electromagnetic wave in a conducting medium, and introduction to the Poynting vector and the Poynting theorem. Ch 4 of RKS, also Ch 7,9 of Griffiths. — 03,04 Sep


We developed some approximation expressions of \(\alpha,\beta\) for the cases of good conductors, and worked out a problem of communicating underwater. Additionally, we introduced the concept of the Poynting vector for understanding power in an EM wave.

  • Current flow in a good conductor and concept of AC resistance, instructor notes. Ch 4 of RKS. — 06 Sep


We worked out propagation of EM waves in a good conductor and derived the concept of AC v/s DC resistance.

  • Frequency dependence of refractive index and absorption coefficient, from Ch 9.4 of Griffiths. — 12 Sept.


Starting with writing the free body equation for an electron bound to an atom, we worked out the equation of the damped harmonic oscillator, and saw how it lead to the refractive index and absorption coefficient of a medium being dependent on the frequency.

With the knowledge of transmission lines and wave propagation, the following videos by Veritasium on how electricity actually travels via fields areinteresting:

  1. Video 1 which sets up the thought experiment, and generates a lot of controversey.

  2. Video 2 which follows up on the controversy and clarifies.

Electromagnetic waves at interfaces

  • Recap and derivation of tangential boundary conditions using Stokes/Divergence theorem — 18th Sept.

  • Derivation of Snell’s law of reflection refraction at an interface between two dielectric media, Ch 5.2 of RKS — 19 Sept.

  • Derivation of Fresnel reflection coefficients, Ch 5.3 of RKS — 23 Sept.

  • Concept of fading due to interference between waves, more on Brewster’s angle, case of normal incidence on layered media, Ch 5.4 of RKS — 24 Sept.

  • Discussion of normal incidence on layered media and conditions for radome design, Ponyting vector discussions for computing transmission coefficient, Ch 5.4 of RKS — 25 Sept.

  • Discussion of total internal reflection and nature of evanescent waves in the transmitted medium, Ch 5.5 of RKS — 01 Oct

Instructor notes summarizing the story of the Poynting vector and when it makes sense to conserve power.

Antennas and arrays

  • Solving Maxwell’s equations via magnetic vector and electric scalar potentials, Ch 8.1 of RKS  — 07 Oct

  • Deriving fields of a Hertz dipole antenna, Ch 8.1,2 of RKS — 08 Oct

  • Near and far fields and Poynting vector for a Hertz dipole antenna, Ch 8.1,2 of RKS — 09 Oct

  • Characterizing radiation patterns of antennas (see links below), Ch 8.2 of RKS, instructor notes — 10,14 Oct

  • Antenna arrays, instructor video, short quiz here Ch 9.1 of RKS — 16th Oct

Supplimentary resources:

  1. Antennas - Potential formulation NPTEL lecture link

  2. Hertz dipole fields NPTEL lectures, part 1 and part 2

  3. Antenna radiation patterns NPTEL lecture link

  4. Derivation of 3D Green’s function last 3 slides

  5. Antenna field simulations link1 and link2.


  1. Intuition of waveguides, starting from reflecting from a metal plate and arriving at a parallel plate waveguide for TE polarization, Ch 6.1 of RKS — 22 Oct

  2. Further details of parallel plate waveguides with TE polarization, group and phase velocity derivations, Ch 6.1 of RKS — 23 Oct

  3. Details of parallel plate waveguides with TM polarization, discussion of TEM mode, Ch 6.1,6.2 of RKS — 24 Oct

  4. Rectangular waveguides, TE modes, TM modes, mode dispersion, TEM modes; Ch 9 of Griffiths (Replace B by \mu H to get expressions for H, and replace j by -j to accord with the opposite time convention of exp(-jwt) compared to ours) — 28,29,30 Oct

Course structure

  • Evaluations — quiz 1 (25pts on Thu Aug 29 2024), quiz 2 (25), endsem (50), all exams as per Institute schedule with cheat sheet allowed.

  • Teaching Assistants

    1. Anant Goyal ee21d202

    2. Priyanka Kumari ee22d016

    3. Karthik ee23d023

    4. Haricharan ep21b015

  • Broad course contents

    1. Transmission Lines – electricity travels like a wave

    2. The simplest electromagnetic waves – plane waves

    3. What happens when waves meet matter

    4. Transmitting electromagnetic energy – antennas and arrays

    5. How to confine and guide waves – waveguides

  • References books

    1. Electromagnetic Waves 2nd Ed., by R K Shevgaonkar, McGraw Hill Education. Also see the NPTEL course online. Keyword: RKS

    2. Principles of electromagnetics , 6th Ed., by Matthew Sadiku and S V Kulkarni, Oxford Higher Education.

    3. Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics ,8th Ed., by Fawwaz Ulaby and Umberto Ravaioli, Pearson

    4. Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4th Ed., by David J. Griffiths, Pearson

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