Ananth Krishnan
Prior Positions
Associate Professor, IIT Madras
Assistant Professor, IIT Madras
I received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University. I am currently a faculty member with the Centre for NEMS and Nanophotonics (CNNP) and with the RF and Photonics research group at IIT-Madras.
My research interests include
Surface plasmon nanophotonics
2D nano electronic materials
Generation and use of OAM beams
S. Karmakar, A. Ringne, N. Kumar and A. Krishnan, “Uniform dipole resonance and suppressed quadrupole resonance for constant transmittivity full phase control plasmonic metasurfaces,” vol. 14, issue 1, article 31499, Scientific Reports, 2024
- N. Kumar, A. Arora and A. Krishnan, “A Simulation-Based Analysis of Optical Read-Out for Electrochemical Reactions Using Composite Vortex Beams,” vol. 14, issue 1, article 22218, Scientific Reports, 2024
A. Ringne, N. Kumar, S. Karmakar, P. Pushkar, A. Krishnan, “Generation of complex beams using flattening of binary gratings,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 41, issue 6, p. 1364-1372, 2024
N. Kumar, A. Arora, A. Krishnan, “Plasmonically enhanced composite vortex beam generation using ultra-thin dielectric fork gratings,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 39, issue 8, p. 2084-2090, 2022
A. Arora, K.L. Ganapathi, T. Dixit T, M. Miryala, M. Masato, MSR Rao, A.Krishnan, “Thickness-Dependent Nonlinear Electrical Conductivity of Few Layer Muscovite Mica,” Physical Review Applied, vol. 17, issue 6, article 64042, 2022
N. Kumar, A. Krishnan, “Electrochemical detection with Plasmons”, Indo-French Workshop on Microwave and Photonic Technologies, Feb 2023, Chennai, India
Nirjhar Kumar, Ankit Arora, Ananth Krishnan, “Single-shot generation of composite optical vortex beams using hybrid binary fork gratings,” Optics Express, vol. 29, issue 21, p. 33703-33715, 2021
Ankit Arora, Pramoda K Nayak, Swastibrata Bhattacharyya, Nikhilesh Maity, Abhishek K Singh, Ananth Krishnan, MS Ramachandra Rao, “Interlayer excitonic states in Mo Se 2/Mo S 2 van der Waals heterostructures,” Physical Review B, vol. 103, issue 20, p. 205406, 2021
Ankit Arora, Pramoda K Nayak, Tejendra Dixit, Kolla Lakshmi Ganapathi, Ananth Krishnan, Mamidanna Sri Ramachandra Rao, “Stacking angle dependent multiple excitonic resonances in bilayer tungsten diselenide,” Nanophotonics, vol. 9, issue 12, p.3881-3887, 2020
Nirjhar Kumar, Ankit Arora, Ananth Krishnan, “Complementary AC Voltammetry—A Method for Simultaneous Measurement of Faradaic and Nonfaradaic Currents in an Electrochemically Reversible System,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20, issue 22, p. 13196-13203, 2020
A. Arora, A. Krishnan, MSR Rao, “Stacking angle dependent multiple excitonic resonances in bilayer WSe2”, Nanophotonics and Micro/NanoOptics international conference, Sep 2019, Munich, Germany
Ankit Arora, Tejendra Dixit, KV Anil Kumar, Sivarama Krishnan, K Lakshmi Ganapathi, Ananth Krishnan, Pramoda K Nayak, MS Ramachandra Rao, “Plasmon induced brightening of dark exciton in monolayer WSe2 for quantum optoelectronics,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 114, issue 20, p. 201101, 2019
Vandhana Narayanan, Ankit Arora, Sakthi Priya Amirtharaj, Ananth Krishnan, “Plasmon-coupled hybrid Fabry–Pérot cavity modes in submicron metal–dielectric–metal arrays for enhanced color filtering,” Optical Engineering, vol. 58, issue 5, p. 057109, 2019
Tejendra Dixit, Ankit Arora, Ananth Krishnan, K Lakshmi Ganapathi, Pramoda K Nayak, MS Ramachandra Rao, “Near infrared random lasing in multilayer MoS2,” ACS Omega, vol. 3, issue 10, p. 14097-14102, 2018
P Arora, A Krishnan, “On-chip label-free plasmonic based imaging microscopy for microfluidics,” Journal of physics communications, vol 2, issue 8, p. 085102, 2018
P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Stain free colorimetric sensors using hybrid mode plasmonic microscopy,” in CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics), San Jose, California, USA, May 2016
P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Fourier plane colorimetric sensing using broad- band imaging of surface plasmons and application to biosensing,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 118, issue 23, p. 233105, Dec 2015
A. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Fabrication of tunable plasmonic substrates using a table-top gold coater and a hot plate, their optical characterization and surface enhanced Raman activity,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 118, issue 15, p. 154901, Oct 2015
P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Colorimetric sensing using Fourier plane imaging of surface plasmons,” in CLEO Europe (European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference), Munich, Ger- many, paper no. EH P 4, pp. 21-25, Jun 2015
P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Imaging the engineered polarization states of Surface Plasmon Polaritons at visible wavelengths,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol.32, issue.24, pp. 4816-4822, Dec 2014
R. Kumar, A. Arora, S. Ray, B. Pesala, E. Bhattacharya and A. Krishnan, “Observation and phenomenological interpretation of shifts in electrical reso- nance of square shaped planar THz split ring resonators,” PIERS Proceedings (Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium proceedings), Guangzhou, China, pp. 1212-1216, Aug 2014
R. Kumar, A. Arora, S. Ray, B. Pesala, E. Bhattacharya and A. Krish- nan, “Analysis of electrical excitation of planar split ring resonator based THz metamaterials,” in ISSS 2014 - Seventh International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures & Systems, Bangalore, India, pp. 8-11, Jul 2014
P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Imaging of polarization rotation in transmis- sion resonances of periodic plasmonic structure,” in Proceedings of the SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium, vol. 9126, p. 91261K-1, Apr 2014
A. Arora, P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “A simple technique to create thermally stressed thin metal film on glass to enhance collection efficiencies in fluorescence Microscopy,” in SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium, Apr 2014
P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Refractive index and thickness sensing of sub- wavelength thin films using Surface Plasmon imaging,” in NS&NT (National Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology), Kolkatta, India, Sep 2014 Won Best Paper Award
P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Dark field imaging in a bright field microscope using tailored polarization of Spoof Surface Plasmons,” in Photonics 2014, Kharagpur, India, Dec 2014.
Won Best Paper Award
A. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Fourier plane imaging of scattering by gold nanoparticles fabricated using thermal stress and application to RI sensing,” in Photonics 2014, Kharagpur, India, Dec 2014
P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Analysis of Transmission Characteristics and Multiple Resonances in Plasmonic Gratings Coated with Homogeneous Di- electrics,” in PIERS Proceedings (Progress in Electromagnetics Research Sym- posium proceedings), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 927-931, Mar 2013
D. Mahanta, P. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Mode Transformations of Surface Plasmons to Propagating and Back to Surface Plasmons in Metal Dielectric Interface with a Half Space Cloaking Region,” in PIERS (Progress in Electro- magnetics Research Symposium), Taipei, Taiwan, Mar 2013
A. Arora and A. Krishnan, “Fourier plane imaging of propagation character- istics of surface plasmons and demonstration of Plasmon stimulated emission in dye coated metal,” in Workshop on Metamaterials and Photonic Nanostruc- tures, Kanpur, India, pp. 16-17 Aug 2013
C. Regan, A. Krishnan, L. Grave de Peralta and A. A. Bernussi, “Plasmon tomography images of two-dimensional periodic structures,” in CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, paper no. JTuI65, May 2011
C. J. Regan, A. Krishnan, R. Lopez-Boada, L. Grave de Peralta and A. A. Bernussi, “Direct observation of photonic Fermi surfaces by plasmon tomogra- phy,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 98, issue 15, p. 151113, Apr 2011
S. P. Frisbie, C. J. Regan, A. Krishnan, C. Chesnutt, J. Ajimo, A. A. Bernussi and L. G. de Peralta, “Characterization of polarization states of surface Plasmon polariton modes by Fourier plane leakage radiation microscopy,” Optics communications, vol. 283, pp. 5255-5260, Dec 2010
A. Krishnan, C. J. Regan, L. Grave de Peralta and A. A. Bernussi, “Resonant coupling in dielectric loaded plasmonic waveguides,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 97, issue 23, p. 231110, Dec 2010
J. Ajimo, M. Marchante, A. Krishnan, A. A. Bernussi and L. Grave de Peralta, “Plasmonic implementation of a quantum eraser for imaging appli- cations,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 108, issue 6, p. 063110, Sep, 2010
A. Krishnan, S. P. Frisbie, L. Grave de Peralta and A. A. Bernussi, “Plasmon stimulated emission in arrays of bimetallic structures coated with dye-doped dielectric,” Applied physics letters, vol. 96, issue 11, p. 111104, Mar, 2010
A. Krishnan, S. P. Frisbie, L. Grave de Peralta and A. A. Bernussi, “Plasmon Stimulated Emission in Arrays of Bimetallic Stripes,” in CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics), San Jose, California, USA, May 2010
J. Ajimo, S. P. Frisbie, A. Krishnan, C. Chestnutt, A. A. Bernussi and L. G. de Peralta, “Wide-Field Microscopy Based on Leakage of Plasmon-Coupled Fluorescence,” in American Physical Society Texas Section Fall Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, Oct 2010
S. P. Frisbie, C. Chesnutt, M. E. Holtz, A. Krishnan, L. Grave de Peralta and A. A. Bernussi, “Image formation in Wide-Field Microscopes Based on Leakage of Surface Plasmon-coupled Fluorescence,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 153-162, Aug 2009
S. P. Frisbie, A. Krishnan, X. Xu, L.G. de Peralta, S. A. Nikishin, M. Holtz and A. A. Bernussi, “Optical Reflectivity of Asymmetric Dielectric-Metal- Dielectric Planar Structures,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, issue 15, pp. 2964-2969, Aug 2009
A. Krishnan, L. G. de Peralta, M. Holtz and A. A. Bernussi, “Finite Element Analysis of Lossless Propagation in Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguides With Nanoscale Spot-Sizes,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 27, issue 9, pp. 1114-1121, May 2009
A. Krishnan, L. G. de Peralta, M. Holtz and A. A. Bernussi, “Propagation analysis of surface plasmon polariton waveguides with an active gain medium,” in The best little nano conference, Austin, Texas, USA, p. 21, Apr 2007
A. Krishnan, L. G. de Peralta, V. Kuryatkov, H. Temkin and A. A. Bernussi, “Generation of arbitrary sequences of ultrafast pulses with integrated-optic space-to-time optical processors and phase-only masks,” IEEE Photonics Tech- nology Letters, vol. 19, issue 2-4, pp. 194-196, Jan 2007
A. Krishnan, V. Kuryatkov, H. Temkin, A. A. Bernussi and L. G. de Peralta, “Generation of arbitrary sequences of ultrafast pulses using reflective arrayed waveguide grating multiplexers and phase only masks,” in CLEO (Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics), San Jose, California, USA, pp. CTuBB4 1-2, May 2006
A. Krishnan, L. G. de Peralta, H. Temkin and A. A. Bernussi, “Generation of ultrafast pulse sequences with arrayed waveguide grating multiplexers sub- jected to modulated external stress,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 18, issue 9-12, pp. 1158-1160, May 2006
A. Krishnan, L. G. de Peralta, V. Kuryatkov, A. A. Bernussi and H. Temkin, “Direct space-to-time pulse shaper with reflective arrayed waveguide gratings and phase masks,” Optics Letters, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 640-642, Mar 2006. (Selected for June 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Ultrfast Science)
M. Knapczyk, A. Krishnan, L. G. de Peralta, A. A. Bernussi and H. Temkin, “High-resolution pulse shaper based on arrays of digital micromirrors,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 2200-2202, Oct 2005
A. Krishnan, M. Knapczyk, L. G. de Peralta, A. A. Bernussi and H. Temkin, “Reconfigurable direct space-to-time pulse-shaper based on arrayed waveguide grating multiplexers and digital micromirrors,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 1959-1961, Sep 2005.
M. Knapczyk, A. Krishnan, L. G. de Peralta, A. A. Bernussi and H. Temkin, “Reconfigurable optical filter based on digital mirror arrays,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1743-1745, Aug 2005. (Highlighted in the Photonics Spectra magazine, pp. 102-103, Oct 2005)
Introduced EE6506 - Computational Electromagnetics
A graduate level theory + laboratory course (for III semester M.Tech. , M.S. and Ph.D. students) involving hands-on algorithm study, code development and computational assignments to solve basic to advanced problems in classical electromagnetism.
Significant Outcomes
40 Matlab/Octave programs covering various problems ranging from fields of a Capacitor to Modeling of Photonic Crystals to Demonstration of Surface Plasmons are available to all students and researchers at Our Mathworks Account Link
More than 50 associated videos to show the results of all simulation codes developed in the course are available at
EE1100 | Basic Electrical Engineering |
PH1020 | Physics II |
EE2001 | Digital Systems |
EC2204 | Electromagnetic Fields |
EE2025 | Engineering Electromagnetics |
EE5472 | Computational Electromagnetics |
EE5471 | Computer Methods in Electrical Engineering |
EE6506 | Computational Electromagnetics |
I have recorded an NPTEL course on Transmission lines and Electromagnetic waves.
Computational EM Matlab page
40 Matlab/Octave programs covering various problems ranging from fields of a Capacitor to Modeling of Photonic Crystals to Demonstration of Surface Plasmons are available to all students and researchers at Our Mathworks Account Link