Integrated Circuits and Systems group, IIT Madras

Development of the state of the art VLSI design facility

The objective of the project was to improve the infrastructure available in VLSI design area and bring it to the state-of-the art level so that

  • new theoretical and practical courses in VLSI design could be introduced in the curriculum for the purpose of manpower development.
  • specific projects can be taken up in VLSI design for building up expertise so that we would keep up the tempo and be collateral with the state-of-the-art development in this vital field.

Since FPGA based design provide an insight into the feasibility of the design and cost-effective flexibility in the design, facility for FPGA based design was also set up. FPGA design software from Xilinx and Altera were procured. The facility established included programmers needed to program the FPGAs, platforms to run the design software and power conditioning equipments such as UPSs.