Invites for Guest Lectures/Workshops: Since I recently joined the institute and am in the process of setting up my research lab, I will not be able to accept any invites for guest lectures/workshops for the next 1 year, till Dec 2017.

Project Associateship: Presently there are no requirement of project associates. Anyhow, you can send your CV any time. You will get a response when projects are available and your CV meets the requirement.

Internship: I intend to take interns only during summer. Kindly watch out for relevant advertisement from the institute at: . If you are interested to do internship under my guidance, kindly mail me once you apply online to ensure that I do not miss your application among the several ones that the department receives. Keep your mail short and attach your CV not exceeding 2 pages. Selection will be based only on department/institute norms.

Prospective MS and Ph.D Students: If my research area happens to interest you, feel free to discuss in detail either through mail/phone/in-person. However, bear in mind that to ensure an admission, you have to follow the admission process set by the department/institute.

For queries related to the department/institute/admissions, please contact the relevant administrative offices.

Contact Info

Room No: 213A,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,