Actively working towards implementation of dynamic and robust custom air interfaces. Rooted, but not limited to physical layer ascpects of wireless communication systems with keen intereset in scheduling optimization, interference management and power allocation problems for contemporary state-of-the art systems.


Courses: Introduction to Wireless and Cellular Communication, Advanced Topics in Wireless Communication, Detection Theory, Multirate Digital Signal Processing, Principles of CDMA, MIMO and OFDM Wireless Communication.


Uplink Interference Management for Multi-operator systems, Connectivity maximization for NB-IoT with NOMA, Physical Layer Security for OFDM based Systems using CFO Fingerprints

Research Interests

  • Wireless Communication
  • Scheduling and Resource Optimization
  • NB-IoT and Low Power Communication
  • Power Domain NOMA

Teaching Assistantship Experience

  • Spring '19: EE5141A -Introduction to Wireless and Cellular Communication (Qualcomm QOP)


  • SINR CDF Analysis for Muli-operator Spectrum Shared Systems
  • OFDMA Based Frequency Hopping Sytem for Strategic Communication

