I'm a Ph.D. Research Scholar at the Electrical Engineering department, IIT Madras,
working under the guidance of Prof. K. Giridhar and Prof. Sheetal Kalyani.
I hail from Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. I completed B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) in 2017 from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. During my UG, I've worked on design of a smart wind farm system based on Xbee internetworking which focused on wind farm management with a scope for smart grid integration using an Xbee network. I've also worked on realization of zero frequency filter for detection of voice activity and speech recognition.I did my final year undergraduate project as an intership in IIT Madras under Prof. K. Giridhar during Jan-May 2017. This work focussed on the study of distribution of SINR for single operator and multi operator 4G wireless networks.
After finishing my under graduation, I joined IIT Madras as a Ph.D. scholar in July 2017.
My interests are signal processing and estimation, wireless communication and non parametric algorithms.
I currently work on Signal processing techniques for Distributed Radar Systems, parameter-free subspace clustering and link abstraction techniques for non linear receivers in interference limited OFDM systems.
Research Interests
- Signal Processing, Estimation and Detection
- Wireless Communication
- Private Data Analysis
- Non-parametric Algorithms
- Robust Estimation
- Distributed Radar Systems
- Quantum Information Theory
JournalsG. Muthukrishnan and S. Kalyani, “Grafting Laplace and Gaussian Distributions: A New Noise Mechanism for Differential Privacy,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 18, pp. 5359–5374, 2023. (DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2023.3306159, arXiv: 2212.09657).
featured in IIT-M tech talks: Your Identity, Your PrivacyV. Menon, G. Muthukrishnan and S. Kalyani, “Subspace Clustering Without Knowing the Number of Clusters: A Parameter Free Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 68, pp. 5047–5062, 2020. (DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2020.3018665, arXiv: 1909.04406).
G. Muthukrishnan, S. Sruti, and K. Giridhar, “Using DCFT for Multi-Target Detection in Distributed Radar Systems with Several Transmitters,” in Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf24), to appear. (arXiv: 2212.09657).
G. Muthukrishnan and S. Kalyani, “Differential Privacy with Higher Utility through Non-identical Additive Noise,” 2023. (arXiv: 2302.03511).
R. A. Gowtham, G. Muthukrishnan, T. Tholeti and S. Kalyani, “Introducing the Huber mechanism for differentially private low-rank matrix completion,” 2022. (arXiv: 2206.07910).
Teaching Assistantship Experience
- Spring '18: EE3007 - RF and Optical Communication
- Fall '18: EE5150 - Communication Networks
- Spring '19: EE5111 - Estimation Theory
- Fall '19: EE6110 - Adaptive Signal Processing
- Spring '20: EE5111 - Estimation Theory
- Fall '20: EE4140 - Digital Communication Systems
- Spring '21: EE5111 - Estimation Theory
- Fall '21: EE6110 - Adaptive Signal Processing
- Spring '22: EE5180 - Introduction to Machine Learning
- Fall '22: EE4140 - Digital Communication Systems
- Spring '23: EE5141 - Introduction to Wireless and Cellular Communication
- Fall '23: EE4140 - Digital Communication Systems
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