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Venkatesh R Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. Chennai 600 036. |
Contact Information Room No : ESB 333B Telephone : 91 44 22574464 Fax : Email : rvenkat AT ee DT iitm DT ac DT in Webpage : Department Web Page |
Research Interests ------------------------- * Random access protocols * Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.11 WLANs * QoS provisioning in 3G/4G cellular wireless networks * Performance analysis and optimization of ad hoc wireless networks * Communication protocols for industrial applications Courses Offered ---------------------- 1. Topics in Wireless Networks (Aug 2009) 2. Stochastic Modeling and the Theory of Queues (Jan 2010, Jan 2011) 3. Foundations of Probability (Aug 2010) 4. Communication Networks (Aug 2011, Aug 2012, Aug 2013) 5. Analog Communications (Jan 2012, Jan 2013) Projects and Consultancy ---------------------------------- 1. TETCOS, Bengaluru (2017-) Evaluate, compare and benchmark NetSim Simulator for WLAN and related applications. 2. Mojo Networks (formerly known as AirTight Networks) (2014-) 3. India-UK Advanced Technology Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks, Systems and Services: Seamless Mobility and Provisioning of Emergency Services (2010-2012) 4. Renesas Mobile Europe: An Information Theoretic Point of View to Contention Resolution (Coordinator, 2011-2013) 5. India-UK Advanced Technology Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks, Systems and Services: Wireless Access Technologies (2012-2015) |
Research students ----------------------- 1. Naveen (M.S.,2012) - Tejas Networks, Bengaluru A General Scheduling Strategy based on an Estimate of the Rate Region 2. Vaishakh (M.S.) - Uurmi Systems, Hyderabad Contention Resolution for Opportunistic Scheduling and General Utility Maximization 3. Easwar Vivek (M.S.) - Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru A General Framework for Quality of Service in Wireless Networks 4. Bincy B N (M.S.) - CISCO, Bengaluru QoS Aware Contention Resolution Protocols for Single Hop Wireless Networks with Limited Feedback 5. Sundaram R M (Ph.D.) 6. Vishal Mudnur (M.S.) Project students --------------------- 1. Jothi Prakas (M.Tech, 2010) Understanding IEEE 802.11 MAC DCF with Physcial Layer Capture 2. Leela Aarthy (B.Tech, 2010) Energy Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks 3. Basil Mohammed (B.Tech, 2013) Analysis of a Certain MAC Scheduling Algorithm 4. Kalicharan (D.D) Robust Scheduling Algorithms for Cellular Wireless Networks For Prospective Students ---------------------------------- Students interested in performance analysis, resource allocation and optimization problems in communication networks (or similar problems in other engineering or science disciplines) can contact me for B.Tech, Masters and Summer projects. |
Publications ----------------- 12. Easwar Vivek, Venkatesh Ramaiyan and Srikrishna Bhashyam, Cross-layer Strategies for Throughput Maximization in a Data Aggregating Wireless Network, National Conference on Communications, NCC, 2013. 11. Naveen S and Venkatesh Ramaiyan, A General Scheduling Strategy based on an Estimate of the Rate Region, 5th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, COMSNETS, 2013. 10. Venkatesh Ramaiyan, Anurag Kumar and Eitan Altman, Optimal Hop Distance and Power Control for a Single Cell, Dense, Ad Hoc Wireless Network, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, September, 2012. 9. Venkatesh Ramaiyan, Eitan Altman and Anurag Kumar, Delay Optimal Scheduling in a Two-Hop Vehicular Relay Network, Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, February, 2010. 8. Venkatesh Ramaiyan, Anurag Kumar and Eitan Altman, Fixed Point Analysis of Single Cell IEEE 802.11e WLANs: Uniqueness and Multistability, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, October, 2008. 7. Supratim Deb, Vivek Mhatre and Venkatesh Ramaiyan, WiMAX Relay Networks: Opportunistic Scheduling to exploit Multiuser Diversity and Frequency Selectivity, MobiCom, September 2008. 6. Venkatesh Ramaiyan and Anurag Kumar, On the Limits of Spatial Reuse and Cooperative Communication for Dense Wireless Networks, IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2007, Bergen, Norway, July 2007. 5. Venkatesh Ramaiyan, Anurag Kumar and Eitan Altman, Jointly Optimal Routing and Power Control for a Single Cell, Dense, Ad hoc wireless network, IEEE WiOpt'07, Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Limassol, Cyprus, April 2007. 4. Ashish Sangwan, Venkatesh Ramaiyan and Rajeev Shorey, A Reliable Multihop Broadcast Protocol for Inter-Vehicular Communication in a Fading Channel, IEEE COMSWARE, International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware, Bangalore, India, 2007. 3. Dinesh Kumar, Venkatesh Ramaiyan, Anurag Kumar and Eitan Altman, Capacity Optimizing Hop Distance in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network with Power Control, IEEE WiOpt'06, Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Boston, Massachusetts, April 2006. 2. Venkatesh Ramaiyan, Anurag Kumar and Eitan Altman, Fixed Point Analysis of Single Cell IEEE 802.11e WLANs: Uniqueness, Multistability and Throughput Differentiation, ACM Sigmetrics, International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, June, 2005. 1. Venkatesh Ramaiyan, Anurag Kumar and Nandini Vasudevan, Fixed Point Analysis of the Saturation Throughput of IEEE 802.11 WLANs with Capture, National Conference on Communications, NCC, 2005. Technical Reports ---------------------- 1. Topics in Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Wireless Networks, Ph.D. Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. pdf 2. Performance Analysis of Non-persistent TCP Flows in High Speed WANs, M.E. Project, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. 3. Fair Queueing for Data Switches, Technical Report, June 2003. |
Personal Documents
------------------------- 1. My resume. Miscellaneous ------------------ 1. My Updated List of CFPs |