K. Giridhar
My academic research interests include adaptive estimation and detection and their applications to broadband
wireless transceiver algorithms. In particular, custom air-interface and system designs, advanced waveforms and
and algorithms for wireless links and development of hardware protos for the same, and
strategic and secure communications is a major activity in our research group. While the TelWiSe group
also works on 5GNR and beyond-5G technologies such as advanced SatCom, simultaneous spectrum sharing,
and critical broadband communication systems, we have built considerable
expertise on wireless sensing technology with an emphasis on distributed radar signal processing.
Here's my bio-sketch bio-k-giridhar,
and click here recent-pubs-from-TelWiSe for
research publications from the TelWiSe group and click here
recent-patents-from-TelWiSe for
recent patents that have been granted (or filed for review). For more information, please visit us at
for collaboration or working with the TelWiSe group, contact our cheerful secretary
at nandhini@telwise-research.com.

Contact :
EE Dept., IIT Madras
Direct:+91 44 2257 4420
Secretary:+91 44 2257 5405