Table of Contents

EE5323: Advanced Electrical Networks (Jan-May. 2015)




E slot(Tu 11am-12pm; W 10am-11am; Th 8am-9am; Fr 2pm-3pm)

Teaching Assistants

TA can be reached at


Assignments will be handed out approximately every two weeks. These will count for 60% of the grade and the end semester exam for the remaining 40%. The assignments MUST be handed by the deadline posted as an Email attachment only to

By submitting the assignment, you agree that you have not plagiarized or collaborated with a fellow student. If we find instances of such misconduct, you will get a U grade

Recorded Lectures


Problem sets will be posted below. You are expected to solve them on your own. You can approach the instructor for clarifications. Email the solutions to ONLY AS A PDF FILE. Your file MUST be named according to the following convention RollNumber_AssignmentNumber.pdf. For example, if your roll number is ee07b007, and you are submitting assignment 1, call your file ee07b007_1.pdf Assignments submitted after the due date will get no credit.


Attendance will be strictly enforced and those falling short will not be permitted to write the end sem exam. If you are more than 5 min. late, please do not enter the classroom.