====== EE2019: Analog Systems and Lab (Jan-May 2024) ====== ===== Instructors ===== * [[https://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/qkhan/|Qadeer Khan]] * [[https://www.ssaxena.co.in/|Saurabh Saxena]] ===== Classrooms ===== * ESB 127: EE ODD roll numbers + all EP (Saurabh Saxena) * ESB 242: EE EVEN roll numbers (Qadeer Khan) ===== Schedule ===== * Lectures: E slot (Tu 11-11:50am; W 10-10:50am; Th 8-8:50am; Fr 5:00-5:50pm) * Extended Tutorial: Saturday 9am-12pm * Tutorial Evaluation: Friday evening E slot (5:00-5:50pm) ===== Course page on moodle ===== Registered students can login and see the course page at [[https://coursesnew.iitm.ac.in/|https://coursesnew.iitm.ac.in/]]. Resources, tutorials, exam schedules, discussion forum etc. can be accessed from the moodle page. ===== Teaching Assistants ===== Login to moodle at [[https://coursesnew.iitm.ac.in/|https://coursesnew.iitm.ac.in/]] and use the course forum to post questions and contact TAs and faculty. ===== Evaluation ===== * Three quizzes: 30% * Tutorials: 10% * End semester exam (theory): 20% * Lab and associated exam: 40% Quiz and lab evaluation dates will be as follows (all Thursdays): * Quiz-I : 22 Feb 2024 (IITM Quiz-I schedule) * Quiz-II : 21 March 2024 (IITM Quiz-II schedule) * Quiz-III : 18 April 2024 * Lab Final Project Demo : Friday, 26 April 2023 * Lab Final Written Exam : Saturday, 27 April 2023 (1 hr exam) ===== Recorded lectures ===== The recorded video lectures for courses offered by iCS group are available [[|here]]. Recorded Lectures (ESB 127): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JwLN4QmTRsWAe9kVwIwS3yxLfu8pANfV?usp=sharing Lecture Handouts (ESB242): https://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/vlsi/courses/ee2019_2024qk/start?&#lecture_handouts ===== Tutorials ===== Problem sets will be posted below. You are expected to solve them on your own. You can approach the teaching assistants for clarifications and help. You should work each problem completely on your own. * {{courses:ee2019_2024:ee2019_problemset1.pdf|Problem Set #1}} - Tutorial 1 : Extended Tutorial Session - Saturday, Feb 3 ; Evaluation - Friday, Feb 9 * {{courses:ee2019_2024:ee2019_problemset2.pdf|Problem Set #2}} - Tutorial 2: Extended Tutorial Session - Saturday, Feb 10 ; Evaluation - Friday, Feb 16 * {{courses:ee2019_2024:ee2019_problemset3.pdf|Problem Set #3}} - Tutorial 3: Extended Tutorial Session - Saturday, Feb 17 ; Evaluation - Friday, Feb 28 * {{courses:ee2019_2024:ee2019_problemset4.pdf|Problem Set #4}} - Tutorial 4: Extended Tutorial Session - Saturday, Mar 2 ; Evaluation - Friday, Mar 15 * {{courses:ee2019_2024:ee2019_problemset5.pdf|Problem Set #5}} - Tutorial 5: Extended Tutorial Session - Saturday, Mar 23 ; Evaluation - Friday, April 5 * {{courses:ee2019_2024:ee2019_problemset6.pdf|Problem Set #6}} - Tutorial 6: Extended Tutorial Session - Saturday, April 6 ; Evaluation - Friday, April 12 * {{courses:ee2019_2024:ee2019_problemset7.pdf|Problem Set #7}} - Tutorial 7: Extended Tutorial Session - Saturday, April 13 ; Evaluation - Friday, April 19 * {{courses:ee2019_2024:ee2019_problemset8.pdf|Problem Set #8}} - Tutorial 8: Extended Tutorial Session - Saturday, April 20 ; Evaluation - Friday, April 27 ===== Laboratory Experiments ===== * Lab experiment description is available here: {{:courses:ee2019_2024:analog_system_lab_2024.pdf|EE2019 Lab Document}} ===== Circuit Simulator ===== LTspice simulator should be used for pre-lab experiments and tutorials. The too can be downloaded from: https://www.analog.com/en/design-center/design-tools-and-calculators/ltspice-simulator.html ===== References ===== * **Time domain response of first and second order circuits**: * Lectures 23-28 of [[|Electrical Circuits and Networks]] * "Week 9" lectures in the course [[http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106108/|Basic Electrical Circuits]] * [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/vlsi/_media/courses/ee1001_2015/ee1001probset07.pdf|Practice problem set]] * [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/vlsi/_media/courses/ee2015_2017/laplacetransform.pdf|Handout]] * **Circuit analysis with Laplace Transforms**: * Lectures 43-47 of [[|Electrical Circuits and Networks]] * Lectures 5-8 at [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~nagendra/videolectures/doku.php?id=200806krkf:start|this link]] * Solve the practice problems in {{courses:ec201_2011:laplacetutorial.pdf|Practice problem set}}. * **Bode plots**: * Recorded lectures [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~nagendra/EC1010/201401/lectures/20140401/20140401.html|here]] and [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~nagendra/EC201/201208/lectures/20120817/20120817.html|here]] * **Two port parameters**: * Lectures [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~nagendra/EC1010/201401/lectures/20140213/20140213.html|14]], [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~nagendra/EC1010/201401/lectures/20140214/20140214.html|15]] of [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~nagendra/videolectures/doku.php?id=ec1010_2014nk:start|Electrical and Magnetic Circuits]] * Lectures 20(second half), 21, 24, 25, 26 of [[http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/video.php?subjectId=108102042|Prof. Dutta Roy's course on circuit theory]] at [[http://nptel.iitm.ac.in|NPTEL]]. Problems in two port parameters are in lectures in 23, 25, 29 ===== Pre-requisites ===== * [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~uday/2017a-EE1101/index.html|EE1101: Signals and Systems]] * [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/videolectures/doku.php?id=ee2015_2017nk:start|EE2015: Electrical Circuits and Networks]] The following recorded lectures have some content overlapping with the above two courses. * [[http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106108/|Basic Electrical Circuits]] * [[http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~nagendra/videolectures/doku.php?id=ec1010_2014nk:start|Electrical and Magnetic Circuits]] * [[http://nptel.iitm.ac.in/video.php?courseId=1049|Networks and Systems]] ===== Attendance ===== 75% attendance is mandatory and will be strictly enforced. If you are more than 5 min. late, you will not be allowed into class.