Dr. R. Manivasakan






Awards / Honors /Responsibilities



UG Courses

EE1100 Basic Electrical Engineering

EE2001 Digital Systems

EE2016 Microprocessor Theory & Lab

EE3005 Communication Systems

EE4190 Digital Communications


PG Courses

EE5504 Fiber Optic Communication Systems (FOCT)

EE5153 Foundations of Optical Networking

EE5151 Communication Techniques

EE5150 Communication networks

EE5500 Introduction to Photonics


Scopus Author ID: 6602478530

International Journals

1. Madhu Babu Sikha, R. Manivasakan “On the Inter-Departure Times in M/\widetilde{D}/1/B_{on} Queue with Queue-Length Dependent Service and Deterministic / Exponential Vacations”, IEEE Access, Submitted, 2018.

2. Bhosle Sarojkumar, R. Manivasakan “Analysis of Discrete Pareto (DP)/Geo/1 Queue”, 2018 Submitted.

3. S. Usha Rani and R. Manivasakan “Jitter Buffer Modelling and Analysis for TDM over PSN” Procedia Computer Science, vol.62, pp. 186–195, Sep. 2015.

4. Madhu Babu Sikha, R. Manivasakan On the rate-jitter performance of jitter- buffer in TDMoPSN: Study using queueing models with a state- dependent service. Photonic Network Communications, Springer, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 108–130, August 2015.

5. Lixin Wang, Hamdi,M., Manivasakan, R., Tsang, D.H.K. “Multimedia- MAC protocol: its performance analysis and applications for WDM networks”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 54, Issue 3, Page(s): 518 - 531. March, 2006.

6. Manivasakan, R., Hamdi, M., Tsang, D.H.K. “Performance analysis of stochastic fair sharing scheme for link sharing”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Volume 52, Issue 2, Page(s):195 - 198, Feb. 2004

7. R. Manivasakan, Abhay Karandikar and U.B. Desai, “CIPP - A Versatile Analytical Model for VBR Traffic”, Performance Evaluation, Vol 43/4, 269 - 291, Mar. 2001.

8. R. Manivasakan, “The CIPP/M/1/K Queue”, Manuscript under preparation, 2018.

9. R. Manivasakan, “A finite capacity queue with Markov dependent arrivals", Manuscript under preparation, 2018.

National Journals

10. Srikanth K. Iyer, D. Manjunath and R. Manivasakan “Bivariate Exponential Distributions using Linear Structures”, Sankhya, 2001

11. R. Manivasakan, U.B. Desai and Abhay Karandikar, “Broadband Tele-traffic Characterization using Correlated Interarrival time Poisson Process (CIPP)”, Jrnl. of the Indian Institute of Science, Vol. 79, No: 3, pp 233- 249, 1999

National / International Conferences

Sandeep K Singh, R. Manivasakan, “Traffic Adaptive Reconfiguration in Virtual Optical Bus Networks IEEE ANTS (International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems ) Conf. November 2016

Aditya K Arya, R. Manivasakan, “A compact and high-speed plasmonic slot waveguide coupled with photonic waveguide based 2x2 electro-optic switch”, March 2016

Aditya K Arya, Manivasakan R, “Analysis of an electro-optic plasmonic racetrack ring resonator based switch made of DLSPP waveguides”, Inter- national Conference on Optics and Photonics, 2015

S Usha Rani and R. Manivasakan “Jitter Buffer Modelling and Analysis for TDM over PSN” Intl. Conf. on Soft Computing and Software Engg. (SCSE), USA , Mar. 2015.

Sandeep Kumar Singh, R. Manivasakan, “Performance Analysis of Virtual Optical Bus Networks”. NCC 2015

Madhu Babu Sikha, Manivasakan R., "A Two-Queue Finite-Buffer Polling Model with Limited Service and State-Dependent Service Times". In Proc., IEEE Inter- national Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), IISc Bangalore, January 2014.

P Gurusanthosh, A Rostami, R Manivasakan, A Wolisz, “SDMA: A Semi-Distributed Mobility Anchoring in LTE Networks” International Con- ference on Selected Topics in Mobile & Wireless Networks, 2013.

Madhu Babu Sikha, Manivasakan R. Novel Rate-Jitter Control Algo- rithms: Modeling and Analysis. In Proc., CTRQ 2013 : The Sixth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service, Venice, Italy, April 2013

Madhu B Sikha, R. Manivasakan Novel rate-jitter control algorithms for TDMoIP Feb 2013, National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2013.

S. Usha Rani, R. Manivasakan,“On the Departure Process of Jitter Buffer in TDMoIP,” Proc. National Conference on communications (NCC), IIT Kharagpur, Feb. 2012.

S Usharani, Manivasakan R, “Correlated M/G/1 queue modelling of jitter buffer in TDMoIP”, Adv. Intl. Conf. on Telecomm. (AICT), Germany, May 2012

S. Jagadish and Manivasakan R, “Analysis of jitter control algorithms in QoS networks”, Nov 2011

Prem Kumar Nonia and R. Manivasakan “Adaptive Bandwidth Sharing for QoS Guarantee Using Feedback Loop Control and Optimization”, NCC 2009.

Prem Kumar Nonia, R. Manivasakan, “Optimized Bandwidth Sharing for Delay Guarantee Using Feedback Loop Control”, International Conference on Computer Network & Security 2008, Pune.

Chandramowli, G., Buvaneshwari M, Chaddha, A., Das, S., Manivasakan, R. “Simulation and Performance of RPR (Resilient Packet Ring IEEE 802.17) - MAC in Network Simulator”, Photonics, 2006.

A. Taparia, K. Garg and R. Manivasakan,“Performance of parallel schedul- ing algorithms under correlated traffic”, The 7th International Conference of Ad- vanced Communication Technology (ICACT’2005), Volume 2, 21- 23 Feb. 2005 Page(s):1313 - 1318, Korea, 2005.

R. Manivasakan, Mounir Hamdi and Danny H. K. Tsang, “The Dual Round Robin Pseudo-grant Matching for High-speed Packet Switches”, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Rout- ing (HPSR2002), Kobe, Japan, pp 64-68, May, 2002

R. Manivasakan, Danny H. K. Tsang and Mounir Hamdi, “Performance Analysis of Stochastic Fair Sharing (SFS) Scheme for Link Sharing”, Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (ICC’2002), Vol. 2, April-May, 2002, pp 1264-1268.

Lixin Wang, Mounir Hamdi, R. Manivasakan and Danny H. K. Tsang, “Modeling of Multimedia MAC Protocols on WDM Optical Networks”, Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (ICC’2001), Vol. 3, pp 716-720, June, 2001.

R. Manivasakan, U.B. Desai and Abhay Karandikar, “The CIPP and the Performance Modeling of VBR Video Traffic by CIPP/M/1/K Queue”, Proceedings of International Zurich Seminar on Broadband Communications (IZS2000), Zurich, 2000.

R. Manivasakan, U.B. Desai and Abhay Karandikar, “Performance Mod- eling of Statistical Multiplexer with Composite Traffic Input by CIPP/M/1 Queue”, Proc. of National Conference on Communications (NCC2000), Jan. 2000.

R. Manivasakan, U.B. Desai and Abhay Karandikar “CIPP/M/1 Queue”, Proceedings of National Conference on Communications (NCC’99), pp 458- 461, 1999.

R. Manivasakan, U.B. Desai and Abhay Karandikar “End-to-End Simula- tion of VBR Traffic over ATM Networks using Network Traffic Model”, Pro- ceedings of ICCIMA’99, 338-342, 1999.

R. Manivasakan, U.B. Desai and Abhay Karandikar, “Correlated Interar- rival time Poisson Process (CIPP) for modeling broadband teletraffic”, Prceedings of the Fifth Biennial Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM’99), pp 43-50, IISc, Bangalore, July, 1999.

R. Manivasakan, U.B. Desai and Abhay Karandikar, “CIPP - An Ver- satile Analytical Model for VBR Video Traffic in ATM Networks”, Pro- ceedings of SPIE - Performance and Control of Network Systems III, eds. R. D. van der Mei and D. P. Heyman, pp 122-129, SPIE, 1999.

28. R. Manivasakan, U.B. Desai and Abhay Karandikar, “CIPP Based Characterization of VBR traffic and Related Statistical Multiplexer Performance”, Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, (GLOBECOM’99), Rio de Janeiro, 1999.

R. Manivasakan, U.B. Desai and Abhay Karandikar, “The CIPP and the Performance Modeling of ATM Multiplexer with VBR Video Traffic input by CIPP/M/1/K Queue”, Proceedings of ADCOM99, India, 1999.

PhD Students


S. Usha Rani PhD 2017

Madhu babu Sikha PhD 2016


Fredy Francis

Niyas Hanifaa

Dara Sudha Rani

MS Students

Aditya Kumar Arya

Sandeep Kumar Singh

Pabbisetty Guru Santhosh

to be added. list is incomplete

Research Problems Currently being Investigated (as of 2018)

Performance bounds on repeater / regenerator

All-Optical Clock Recovery and All-Optical 3R Regeneration

Service Model for TDM over PSN

Correlated Queues