Practice transmitting sound files on scilab. Understand the format. Practice recording the sound using a sound recorder in Linux. Read the recorded waveform in scilab. Understand sampling frequency of transmission and reception.
Obtain and plot the magnitude frequency response of the channel. Identify bands for ideal transmission. Identify data rate for ideal channel assumption.
Using the parameters chosen during Part 1, design a 4-QAM and 16-QAM transmitter. Record the received waveform. Observe the transmit and received spectrum. Compare the transmitted waveform and received waveform on a plot. Try to synchronize the samples manually.
Automatically determine the sample at which the recorded waveform starts to correspond to the transmitted waveform. The silent periods will have to be removed from the received waveform before processing.
Build a correlation receiver for QAM transmitter I. Plot the received constellation.
Design a 4-QAM and 16-QAM transmitter with a suitable raised-cosine transmit filter for maximizing bandwidth usage. Observe the transmit and received spectrum.
Try using the ideal correlation receiver from Part 3. Plot the received constellation. Can you adjust transmission parameters to make this work?
Design a filter matched to the raised-cosine transmit filter. Use this filter in the receiver as the correlator. Plot the received constellation. Can you adjust transmission parameters to make this work?
Build an adaptive linear equalizer in the receiver after the matched filter in Part 5. Use known training symbols at the start of transmission.